Deciding what type of diet to feed your dog can be intimidating. Before you decide, it’s important to know the different types of commercial dog foods available and how to choose between them. In order to do that, you’ll need to understand which ingredients are healthy and which ones aren’t. It is also good to know some of the alternatives to commercial dog food, all of which you’ll also find listed below.
How To Choose Dog Food
Even with all the dog food reviews available on the internet (including ours), there is no substitute for educating yourself and having the ability to find the best dog food on your own. It’s not as hard as you think and you don’t have to be a nutrition expert to know which dog food is best. This information will teach you everything you need to know to make your own informed decision about how to choose dog food.
Kibble Vs. Canned Dog Food
Ever wonder what the differences are between kibble and canned dog food? The debate about which type of food is better for dogs has been raging since the beginning of the dog food industry. This is where we go over the pros and cons of each as well as how to compare dry and wet foods. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to make an educated decision on the best type of food to buy for your dog.
Grain Free Dog Food Facts
Grain free dog food is the newest craze among many dog owners. Since dogs receive no nutritional value from grain, some dog owners are worried about the high levels of wheat, corn, and other types of grain or plant based materials found in most popular commercial dog foods. Before you run out and buy the newest “natural”, “holistic”, or grain free dog food, you should read this article. Hopefully this will help put things in perspective for you.
Rotating Dog Food
Rotating dog food has become a common practice for many dog owners. Some believe it’s healthier to “change it up” every now and then. A few premium dog food brands also recommend you rotate your dogs food. But is there much science to this advice? Are there side effects to rotating your dogs kibble or canned food? In this article, we explain the pros and cons to rotating dog food and help you decide if it’s the most nutritious option for your dog.
Dog Food Reviews
These dog food reviews are the most detailed, honest, and helpful reviews of dog food you’ll find anywhere. From discussing a products recall history to where the food is manufactured and a detailed analysis of the ingredients, our dog nutrition expert has done all the homework for you. We are a completely separate entity from any dog food company and are not paid to promote any certain brand over another. These are all completely 100% unbiased reviews, analyzed by a third party dog nutrition expert!
Making Your Own Dog Food
After learning the truth behind commercial dog food companies, one thing you might be interested in is making your own dog food. Not only is it the same price or even cheaper than buying kibble from the store, but it’s surprisingly simple to do. There are many benefits to making your own dog food. You don’t have to worry about dog food recalls, where the food is made, the quality of ingredients used, quality control issues, etc. You get to control everything and you can quickly fine tune or customize your dogs food to meet his or her specific needs. Heck, you can even make highly nutritious and tasty treats for your dog without much effort.
Facts About Senior Dog Food
We all wish dogs could live forever, or at the very least, live longer. Unfortunately, most dogs have a very short life expectancy. As they age, we want to do everything possible to extend their life while at the same time, reducing the pains and discomforts that come with aging. Many dog food companies market special blends for senior dogs claiming a large number of benefits. Unfortunately, our analysis found that the vast majority of dog foods marketed toward older dogs do not meet the nutritional requirements older dogs should receive. If you’re thinking about switching to a senior dog food brand, you better read this first.
Feeding A Puppy
So you went out and got yourself a cuddly, cute, adorable little puppy. That’s great! But feeding a puppy can be more of a challenge than some people expect, especially if you’re a first time dog owner. With 100’s of dog food companies basting you with commercials and marketing gimmicks in the hopes of raising their own profits, we decided to help separate fact from fiction. Are puppy dog food blends really necessary? If so, what makes a puppy so much different? Why do they require their own food? Which puppy food is the best? We’ll answer all of these questions and then some.
Raw Food Diet For Dogs
Another way people bypass the commercial dog food industry is by feeding their dog a raw food diet. Dogs have been eating raw food for thousands of years and as long as you do it right, there’s no reason they can’t eat raw food now. Many who feed their dogs a raw food diet claim their dogs are healthier, happier, and suffer from fewer allergies or illnesses than other dogs. Is the hype true? Is a raw food diet right for your dog? If so, how do you begin and where do you get the food from? We’ll tell ya!
Freeze Dried Dog Food
If you want the advantages of a raw food diet without the hassle and the mess, you can consider a freeze dried dog food diet. While freeze dried dog food isn’t as readily available as kibble or canned foods, it’s a growing segment of the industry as more dog owners want to feed a more natural diet. This article will explain all of the advantages and disadvantages to feeding your dog a freeze dried diet.
Dangerous Food For Dogs
There are many human foods which are dangerous for dogs. This is a list you may want to print out and put on the fridge for your family to reference, just in case. While this isn’t a complete list of dangerous food for dogs, it covers the more common issues. So before you have an ice cold beer with your dog to celebrate the big game or share a piece of that delicious chocolate cake on your birthday, you better read this!
The Best Dog Training Treats
Finding the best dog training treats is usually something found through trial and error with each individual dog. However, there are some treats that seem to be almost universal among all dogs. Here are some unique, effective, and healthy training treat ideas to use with your dog, including a recipe to make your own delicious liver treats right from home!
Vegetarian Diet For Dogs
Some people are curious as to whether a vegetarian diet for dogs is a healthy option or not. For many, it’s an ethical issue. Maybe you’re a vegetarian or vegan yourself and you aren’t comfortable feeding a meat based diet to your dog. Or maybe you are wondering if a vegetarian diet is healthier for your dog than traditional meat based kibble. The fact of the matter is, dogs don’t need to eat meat to survive, but they will probably not thrive on a meatless diet. If you’re considering a vegetarian diet for your dog, you are urged to read this first!
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