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If you have a dog who loves to eat, then you might not know the dangers that go along with eating food too fast. A dog’s digestive system is very delicate and needs to be taken care of. While they may seem like they can eat anything from rocks to sticks, they really shouldn’t, and teaching your dog to eat slower can save you and your dog from potentially serious health issues such as bloat.
How Often Are You Feeding Your Dog?
How many times during the day do you feed your dog? If you are only feeding your dog one large meal during the day, and he or she is scarfing it down as quickly as possible, you might want to consider breaking it up into two or three smaller meals throughout the day. This will keep your dog’s metabolism working throughout the day, keep your dog’s stomach happier, and help your dog to eat slower. If all goes to plan, they won’t feel the need to eat the food as fast when you put it down on the floor. It will also be consumed in smaller amounts, which will lead to less gulping.
How Often Should A Dog Be Feed?
How Nutrient Dense Is The Food You Are Feeding Your Dog?
If you are feeding your dog a food that is very dense in nutrients, you probably only need to feed them a small amount. Foods that do not contain a lot of filler products are good news in the way that they don’t give your dog any extra ingredients that they don’t need. But they are not good in the way that your dog might not feel full after eating the proper serving amount. Giving them more will just increase their calorie intake, increasing the risk for obesity and other health problems. If you choose a food that has extra fiber and lower calories per serving, you will be able to give your dog a larger serving. This will help them feel fuller for longer and decrease the speed at which they are inhaling the food.
Get A Dog To Eat Slower By Removing Competition Between Pets
Does your dog feel like there is competition between housemates for food? Sometimes having another pet in the same room makes a dog feel territorial about their food. If they think that someone else is going to take away their food, they might be more likely to eat as quickly as possible. If you have any other pets, a simple solution is to feed your pets in separate rooms. Distance between pets can reduce the stress and the need for speed eating. If you are able to put up a gate between the rooms, that may take even more of the pressure off. If you don’t have gates, at least putting other pets around the corner and keeping them away until the nervous pet finishes will make them relax and help your dog to eat slower.
How To Properly Feed Multiple Dogs
Special Food Bowl
There are several contraptions available on the market these get your dog to eat slower. There are bowls specially designed to make the dogs move the food around with their mouths before they put it in their mouth. When they have to navigate around obstacles in the bowl, it takes them more time to be able to eat the entire serving. If you don’t want to spend money on expensive bowls and contraptions, you can also just put some large rocks in your pet’s bowl. Make sure they are clean and large enough that they can’t swallow them. Eating around the rocks will force your dog to eat slower and make them take time to pick out the food from between the rocks. Same concept as a fancy bowl with a DIY twist. This isn’t just a way to get a dog to eat slower, it’s fun and challenging for your dog and helps with mental stimulation.
Food Dispensing Toys
There are other toys out there that dispense the dog food little by little, turning feeding time into a game. These games keep your pet from becoming bored and get a dog to eat slower. If you have a dog who eats too fast, turning feeding time into a game can help reduce unhealthy side effects. Some are in a cube shape, and as the dog pushes it over and over, it will dispense a few pieces of kibble at a time. Others are in a ball shape and can be rolled around the room, dispensing kibble at random times. These can be given to a dog who stays home alone as an interactive feeding method. It can help with boredom as well as slow down a fast eater.
Correct Feeding Amounts
Whatever you decide is the best method for your dog, just be sure that you are feeding your pet the right amount. Do your research and figure out how much food your pet needs based on exercise levels and current body condition. Slowing your pet down does not mean that you should feed them less food. They will still need the right amount of calories in order to maintain a healthy body weight. Too many calories and they will be at risk for obesity. Too few calories and they will be at risk for being too skinny.
Feeding your pet is a tricky business. There are a lot of things to consider, and it needs to be carefully calculated. If your pet has health concerns, it is best to consult your veterinarian on the best options for their lifestyle. A veterinarian can help you to decide what type of food is best for your pet and any special ingredients that might help your pet’s coat or energy level. Having the right dog food with the right nutritional value can give your pet the best quality of life possible, and a lifetime of happy memories for your whole family.